This article gives a brief introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and is written for users of the Discuit package who aren’t familiar with MCMC. The article assumes a basic familiarity with Monte Carlo methods, and in particular rejection sampling. See the Monte Carlo introduction article for a basic overview.
The code examples included are written in Python. However users of other languages such as R and Julia should not feel too discouraged since Python is an intuitive language known for its readibility (“runnable pseudocode”). The Jupyter notebook version of this article can be found here.
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm implemented in Discuit is of a class known as ‘random walk’ Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. Random walk MCMC algorithms work by ‘exploring’ the parameter space in such a way that the coordinates visited (samples) converge upon the target distribution.
They are another way of obtaining samples from the target distribution \(F\). Like the basic rejection sampler the Metropolis-Hastings draws samples from a proposal distribution and accepts them with a given probability to form a chain.
It is referred to as a Markov chain because each sample depends only on the previous sample. The denominator of the acceptance probability equation is also that of the previous sample \(x_i\).
First we import some things and define a couple of likelihood functions.
# import some stuff for random number generation, analysis and plotting
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *
from import *
# likelihood function
def correct_likelihood(z):
comb = 6 - abs(z - 7)
return comb * 1/36
# likelihood estimator
def dodgy_likelihood(z):
like = correct_likelihood(z)
pert = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * 0.1
return max(like + pert, 0)
/usr/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
return f(*args, **kwds)
/usr/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
return f(*args, **kwds)
In the simple rejection sampler we made proposals independently by drawing a random number between two and twelve. In this example we shall propose the new state \(x_f\) by drawing a random number (which may be positive or negative) and adding it to \(x_i\):
# metropolis hastings algorithm
PROPOSAL = 8 # jump size
def met_hastings_alg(steps, likelihood_function):
xi = 2
lik_xi = likelihood_function(xi)
lik_err = lik_xi - correct_likelihood(xi)
markov_chain = list()
num_accept = 0
# get some samples
for x in range(1, steps + 1):
# propose new state
xf = xi + np.random.randint(-PROPOSAL, PROPOSAL+1)
# evaluate likelihood
lik_xf = likelihood_function(xf)
# accept with mh probability
accept = False
mh_prop = lik_xf / lik_xi
if mh_prop > 1:
# accept automatically
accept = True
# accept sometimes
if np.random.random() < mh_prop:
accept = True
# add sample to mc
if accept:
num_accept = num_accept + 1
rowi = (x, xi, lik_xi, xf, lik_xf, accept, num_accept / x, lik_err)
# update xi
if accept:
xi = xf
lik_xi = lik_xf
lik_err = lik_xi - correct_likelihood(xi)
# create data frame and return
return pd.DataFrame(markov_chain, columns=["i", "xi", "lik_xi", "xf", "lik_xf", "accept", "ar", "lik_err"])
Now we run can run the algorithm. Usually we would discard a number initial samples to allow the algorithm to ‘converge’ upon the desired distribution but that is not necessary in this example. the al
# run markov chain
mc = met_hastings_alg(1000, dodgy_likelihood)
p = ggplot(mc, aes(x = "xi", y = "..density..")) + geom_histogram(binwidth=1)
<ggplot: (8751541417136)>
We can use a ‘traceplot’ to examine the path of the algorithm:
trace = ggplot(mc, aes(x = "i", y = "xi")) + geom_line()
<ggplot: (8751541388471)>
MCMC can be a useful tool for sampling from high dimensional or othertypes of probability distribution that are difficult to sample directly. This is the main rationale for use of the algorithm in the Discuit package. See the package documentation for Discuit.jl (Julia) and Discuit (R) for examples of MCMC in discrete state space continuous time (DSSCT) models.